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Posted 30th October 2015

We run full day workshops once a month for established studios and these are extremely well received. Typical comments include: “We have just arrived home. This day was certainly worth the 600 mile round trip. We’ve both learned a lot……..feeling inspired and motivated to move my business forward” etc.
It is clear to us that many of these established studios have not realised the massive marketing opportunity that Facebook has opened up. More than any other sector of social media this is one that wedding and portrait photographers cannot afford to miss out on.
It is much more important to get a real grasp of how to use Facebook properly to market your business than trying to get rankings in Google. Less expensive and far more effective.
We started in January and are attracting literally thousands of customers to our studios.


Posted 16th October 2015

When you start up your own business you are taking a very courageous decision and that can lead you to realise many of your ambitions.
Annabel Karmel, the creator a global baby food and publishing brand, spoke recently at the Cheltenham Literature Festival.

Giving advice about how to build a successful business, Karmel who has written Mumpreneur, about combining motherhood and running her own business, said it was essential to have courage, be passionate about a subject, and believe in ones own abilities.

She also made the point that failure is a big part of becoming successful. She classified ‘not trying’ as the opposite of success. Failing is an essential part of the learning process.

Almost if you are not failing, you are playing it too safe and you will never really succeed.


Posted 9th September 2015

Think about what is required to start a business and make sure you the following in abundance:
Unless you have all of these success is unlikely.


Posted 25th June 2015

There were 581,000 new companies started last year and in 2015 that figure is expected to exceed 600,000.
The government have started a national enterprise campaign to provide support and inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs. It is run by the think tank Centre for Entrepreneurs and is called StartUp Britain campaign.
A bus is currently touring 25 locations across the UK over the next two months. The initiative works in conjunction with the Start Up Loans scheme, a £310m government fund that provides business loans to new businesses who can borrow up to £25,000 at an interest rate of around 6%. Go to


Posted 17th June 2015

In The Sunday Times recently Luke Johnson, Chairman of the Centre for Entrepreneurs, highlighted what he considered to be the main attribute required to become a successful entrepreneur.

He referred to the many who have, and do make a living, out of self help inspirational speaking and books, and the many traits that are listed: ambition, appetite for risk, industry, persistence, numeracy, creativity, self confidence, optimism, opportunism, and grit.

But he says that all of these, and more, come from one defining attribute that above all others marks a successful entrepreneur.

He says that ‘nobody forces you to do it, and nobody else to blame if it fails.’ Self discipline is there at every turn. It is needed to keep going when others give up, to save and invest when others would spend, to work superhuman hours, to go the extra mile to serve customers.

My advice is if you are not sure you have it DON’T try to start your own business. It will bite back very quickly.

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